Monday 25 February 2013

Thriller - Rough Cut

I am pleased with the range of camera shots and angles, especially the added use of panning (0:27)/tracking (1:10) with the use of a tripod. I am also happy with the way it has been edited together smoothly, there aren't any really rough cuts. I sourced the soundtrack and added a stinger towards the end (1:43-1:59), I'm pleased with how they work together to create tension and suspense when added to the video, it also helps to set the pace. The shots of the feet walking can be linked to the research that I did. For example, the murder scene in "The Witness" and the opening scene of Bill walking in "Kill Bill', we also made a reference to "Animal Kingdom" by having the van with both doors open, deserted. The extreme close up shot was inspired by the similar shots used in "Taxi Driver".

Some of the shots were harder to edit together because we had shot them in a way that was difficult to continue on, in particular the lift scene (1:44-1:55). I tried to make the overall edit look quite dirty but I still feel that there could be more to add to it to make it seem even more dystopian. I think we could have improved certain aspects of the edit by recording more footage as this would have allowed us to make continuity and the flow better. I felt that the ending did leave a cliffhanger and was effective but the reactions of the main character did not seem worried enough when he found the dead girl, this takes away a little from the emotional connection to the audience.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Shooting Schedule

Times and Dates of our Filming Sessions

Saturday the 12th of January 2013 - 9:30am to 4:00pm
We planned this day because it gave us a large amount of time to get a majority of the filming finished. Also we had discussed the best possible times with the manager at Anglia Square car park and it was agreed that Saturday would be an appropriate and convenient time for the security team too.
Actors Required: Ell (playing Hanna), Sol (playing John) and Richard (playing Bill)
Equipment Used: Canon DSLR, Nikon DSLR, tripod

Wednesday the 16th of January 2013 - 8:30am to 11:00am
We planned to use the morning double media lesson to try and get closer to finishing the initial filming.
Actors Required: Sol (playing John) and Richard (playing Bill)
Equipment Used: Canon DSLR, Nikon DSLR, tripod
Wednesday the 23rd of January 2013 - 9:00am to 11:00am
We had used this time to finish filming. After using this time I noticed some continuity errors; therefore we had to plan a little more time to re do some of the shots in which the errors were noticeable.
Actors Required: Sol (playing John) and Richard (playing Bill)
Equipment Used: Canon DSLR, Nikon DSLR, tripod
Tuesday the 5th of February 2013 - 12:20pm to 3:00pm
This time was used to go over the shots that needed re-doing due to continuity errors or other factors that effected the quality of the overall film.
Actors Required: Sol (playing John)
Equipment Used: Canon DSLR, Nikon DSLR, tripod