Sunday, 17 March 2013

Question 1 - In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film, Transit, aims to use generic conventions to establish the thriller genre and pay homage to other classic thrillers of its type. We also maintained that we had to try and challenge some of the generic convetions shown in our film in order to make it memorable and intruguing, as a new idea or concept is often something that makes a film stand out from the others. In order to achieve this, various aspects of the mise en scene were emphasised to indicate and connote the use of some generic conventions and also to challenge others.

Tick of the Clock is used in the opening scene of "Drive" in order to build tension and suspense.


"Emulsion" was influential because it is set in a very similar location and much of the action takes place within the car park.

1 comment:

  1. Excellently organised and thorough and your response is rooted closely to the questions.
    To strengthen:

    1) A British film with a shot in a carpark - film called "Emulsion". Go to

    2) Thelma and Louise, Louise shoots attacker in car park. Go to YouTube:

    Note the way the way Ridley Scott challenges generic stereotypes here, it is the woman who has the gun!!!

    3) Important to include a section on your use of sound.

    4) You need to add another side explaining how you used the conventions of the opening sequence to a film, to include credits, title and cliffhanger to keep the audience watching.

    To get a strong Level 4, which your response suggests then I suggest you endeavour to add more movie clips/examples and respond to revisions I've indicated.

    Keep up the good work Hamish.
